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Modern Languages and Literatures

Chair: Joanne McKeown
Professors: Axel Hildebrandt, Joanne McKeown, Claudia Mesa
Associate Professors: Carmen Ferrero, Nilsa Lasso-von Lang
Assistant Professor: Dorothee Hou
Assistant Professor of Practice: Jenifer Branton-Desris
Visiting Instructors: Lynnet Sánchez
Adjunct Faculty: Silva Emiliani-Mowrey, Yasmine Karam, Richard Krohn, Adile Terzioglu, Christina Villarreal
Emeritus Faculty: Jean-Pierre Lalande

Majors and minors are offered in French, German, and Spanish. Courses in Latin, Arabic and Italian are available, while Greek, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian may be taken by cross-registration at other LVAIC member institutions. The department also offers a major in international management jointly with the School of Business & Economics and world languages education certification in conjunction with the Department of Education.

Modern languages and literatures majors prepare for graduate studies or professional careers in various fields, such as teaching, bilingual education, management, international business, social services, as well as writing, law, government service, or theology.

Mission Statement

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures prepares students for meaningful careers and reflective lives supported by their knowledge of diverse languages and cultures. Within the tradition of the liberal arts, we are committed to the teaching and  appreciation of texts in the original languages, the study of societal developments and artistic expressions, and the articulation of informed critical positions through reading, writing, and debate. The department values the integration of language and culture with various disciplines, and encourages students to combine their passion for modern languages with other fields.

The Major in French, German, or Spanish

A major in French, German, or Spanish consists of ten course units. One semester abroad is required of all Modern Languages & Literatures majors, in which a minimum of three courses must be taken in the language of study. After completing two courses at the 200 level, students may no longer take 100-level courses. Only one internship in a modern language may be taken for credit towards a major in that language. Students may count either Spanish 110 or 111, but not both, towards a major in Spanish.

A major in French consists of ten course units, including a selection of 200 level courses and at least two courses at the 300 level, one of which must be taken at the University in the senior year.  After completing two courses at the 200 level, students may no longer take 100-level courses. A French major normally includes the following: French 110, 210, and 215, plus two courses chosen from FR 225, 241, 260, a minimum one-semester study abroad (in which a minimum of three courses must be taken in the language of study), and two courses at the 300 level. 

A major in German consists of ten course units, including a minimum of two courses at the 200 level chosen among 210, 215 and 241; and at least two courses at the 300 level, one of which must be taken at the University in the senior year. A German major normally includes the following: German 110, 210, and 215, plus two more courses at the 200 level, a minimum one-semester study abroad (three courses), and two courses at the 300 level, one of which must be taken at the University in the senior year. A student may not take a course at the 300 level that he/she has already taken at the 200 level, and vice versa.

A major in Spanish for non-native speakers

A major in Spanish for non-native speakers consists of ten course units. Normally it will include Spanish 110, 210, and 215; one course chosen from Spanish 241, 243, 255, 256, 259; a minimum one-semester study abroad (in which a minimum of three courses must be taken in the language of study); and two courses at the 300 level. Special topics courses at the 200 and 300 level count towards a major. Only one internship in a modern language may be taken for credit towards a major in that language.

During their course of study at Moravian, all students majoring in Spanish will be required to study abroad for a minimum of one semester in a country where Spanish is the principal language. Upon declaring a major in Spanish, students (in consultation with their advisors) must work out a schedule which will make study abroad possible.

The department recognizes that there will be cases that call for a special exception to the study abroad policy. These cases will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Students who wish to apply for an exception to the study abroad policy must contact the Chair of the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. Unless the student has already spent a minimum of one year, as an adult, in a country where the foreign language is spoken, the student will not, generally speaking, be waived of the entire study abroad requirement. Courses taken during study abroad must be approved by the department prior to the student's registration for the program.

A major in Spanish for heritage speakers 

A major in Spanish for heritage speakers also consists of ten courses and most likely will include Spanish 125, 210, and 215; one or two courses at the 200 level chosen from 241, 243, 255, 256, 259; a minimum one-semester study abroad (three courses in the language of study); and two courses at the 300 level, one of which must be taken at the college in the senior year. Special topics courses at the 200 and 300 level. 

During their course of study at Moravian, all students majoring Spanish will be required to study abroad for a minimum of one semester in a country where Spanish is the principal language. Upon declaring a major in a Spanish, students (in consultation with their advisors) must work out a schedule which will make study abroad possible.

The department recognizes that there will be cases that call for a special exception to the study abroad policy. These cases will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Students who wish to apply for an exception to the study abroad policy must contact the Chair of the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. Unless the student has already spent a minimum of one year, as an adult, in a country where the foreign language is spoken, the student will not, generally speaking, be waived of the entire study abroad requirement. Courses taken during study abroad must be approved by the department prior to the student's registration for the program.

The Minor in French, German, or Spanish

The minor consists of five course units in a single language, including 110, 210, and 215.

In French, students must choose two courses from among French 225 and 241.

The Spanish minor for non-native speakers consists of five course units including Spanish 110, 210, and 215; plus one chosen from among Spanish 241, 243, 255, 256 and 259. 

The Spanish minor for heritage speakers also consists of five course units. It includes Spanish 125, 210, and 215; and at least one course chosen from among Spanish 241, 243, 255, 256, 259 or any 300-level course. Although not recommended, a heritage speaker may complete a Spanish minor starting at the 200 level and then continuing with 210, 215 and any other courses at the 200 or 300 level as appropriate.

The Spanish for Healthcare Professionals Certificate

The Certificate Program in Spanish for Health Professionals emphasizes cross-cultural communication and Spanish language acquisition for students employed in or pursuing careers in health-related professions. The four courses required for the program will help students develop proficiency in conversational Spanish with an emphasis on practical interactions in health and medical contexts. Students will also develop cultural competencies in relating to people from Hispanic cultures. The certificate consists of Spanish 103, 106, 111, and FORL 235. NOTE: Students, who place into higher levels of Spanish and want to pursue the certificate, must take Spanish 262 or 362 (see flowchart). Students must earn a C or better in Spanish 106 in order to progress to the upper-level courses in the certificate. 

Spanish for Health Professionals Certificate Program

Flowchart for Spanish Heritage and Non-Heritage Speakers

In order to be in compliance with IPEDS and Middle States requirements, the certificate program must be at least 3.75 units, and so waiving courses for students or granting retroactive credit to students placing into higher levels of Spanish is not an option for us to award the certificate. Therefore, all students, who plan to pursue the Spanish for Health Professionals Certificate, must complete a total of four courses, as explained in this chart.


Effectively a beginner (No Spanish, or 1-3 courses but learned/retained very little)

SPAN 103

SPAN  106

SPAN 111

FORL 235

Non-heritage speaker who has taken 3-4 Spanish courses and has learned/retained some Spanish from high school or has a higher proficiency level (example: honors or advanced placement).

SPAN 106

SPAN  111

FORL 235

SPAN 262 or 362

Spanish heritage speaker (English dominant Spanish-speaking bilinguals who were born and educated in the United States; English dominant Spanish-speaking bilinguals who were raised in Spanish-speaking countries where they may have attended school for a short time, but who received most of their formal education in the United States; and Spanish dominant monolingual or bilingual English speakers who were educated in a Spanish-speaking country) will start with SPAN 111. 

Note: Spanish 125 is offered in fall and 111 in spring. With instructor’s permission, students will be allowed to take these two courses in any order.



SPAN 111

SPAN  125 

FORL 235

SPAN 262 or 362

The Major in Francophone Studies

The major in Francophone Studies provides students with an interdisciplinary approach to the intellectual and cultural history of French-speaking countries by combining courses in French language and literature with courses from fields such as art, economics, history, and political science. Specifically, the program seeks to broaden the students' understanding of contemporary and historical issues related to Francophone cultures.

Program Requirements: 

Ten Courses

  • Six courses in the French program (including a minimum of one course at the 300 level) 
  • Four courses in other departments
  • Study Abroad in an approved program in a French-speaking area of the world for one semester (or, in special cases approved by the program director, for a May-term or summer program). These courses must be pre-approved to count toward the major.  They may count toward either part of this major.


French Courses - Six courses (the following groupings are normally taken sequentially)
I – Required:

  • FREN 110 Elementary French III (students may test out of this course). This course may only be taken prior to courses at the upper levels  
  • FREN 210 Multi-modal Texts: The Individual and Society
  • FREN 215 Multi-modal Francophone Texts: Nature, Leisure and Technology

II -  (a minimum of two courses taken in any order):

  • FREN 225/325 French Connections: Poetry and Culinary Arts
  • FREN 241/341 Selected Prose Works in French
  • FREN 260 Doing Business with the French and Francophone Worlds

III - (a minimum of one course taken in any order):

  • FREN 350 Conformists and Rebels: Selected works from Seventeenth and Eighteenth-century France
  • FREN 353 A Role of Her Own: Works by French and Francophone Women

Elective Courses (Other departments) - Four courses

Maximum of two courses in the same department (only one of these may be at the 100 level)
Maximum of two courses overall at the 100 level

These courses have been approved for inclusion in this program:  (please note that several of these courses have pre-requisites).

  • ART 113 Art History Survey: Caves to Cathedrals 
  • ART 114 Art History Survey: Renaissance to Abstraction
  • ART 218 Art of the Renaissance
  • ART 226 Art of the 19th Century
  • ART 229 Modern Art
  • ECON 236 International Economics
  • ENGL 240 Post-Colonial Literature 
  • HIST 115 History of Africa
  • HIST 116 Medieval Europe
  • HIST 130 Ancient Greece
  • HIST 237 Popular Culture in Medieval and Early Modern Europe
  • HIST 250 History of Canada to 1885
  • IDIS 110  World Geography and Global Issues
  • POSC 235 Contemporary European Politics
  • THEA 232 Art of the Theatre

The Major in German Studies

A major in German Studies provides students with an interdisciplinary approach to the intellectual and cultural history of German-speaking countries by combining courses in German language and literature with courses from fields such as Art History, Economy, Philosophy, Political Science, and History. Majors in German Studies are encouraged to design their own innovative programs of study in close cooperation with the German Studies Advisory Board. Students are required to take a total of ten courses, six of which must be earned within the German section of the Modern Languages and Literatures Department.

Of these six courses German 215 and 241 (or equivalent) and one course at the 300-level are required. After completing Modern Language 215 and 241 (or equivalent), students no longer may take 100-level courses in German. A grade of B or better is required in German 220 or 241 for advancement in the German Studies Major. A minimum of one 300-level course in German must be taken at 91Ƭ, and at least one 300-level course in German must be taken at 91Ƭ in the senior year. The remaining four courses may be chosen from relevant offerings in the Modern Languages and Literatures Department and other departments. No more than two courses can be taken within one department. Possible electives include Art 218, Art 226, Art 229, Econ 336, Ger 200, Ger 260, Hist 112, Hist 219, Hist 220, Mgmt 333, Mus 281, Mus 283, Mus 352.2, Mus 354.2, Posc 215, Posc 235, Posc 250. Other courses may serve as electives. Please consult with Dr. Hildebrandt.

German studies majors must also have a significant experience abroad. They can opt to study for one semester abroad or participate in a six-weeks summer program.

The Interdepartmental Major in French, German, or Spanish

Set I of an interdepartmental major in French, German, or Spanish consists of six course units. Courses in Sets I and II are selected by the student with the approval of the advisor. It is possible to combine language study with area studies.

The Major in International Management (French/German/Spanish)

The major in international management is offered jointly by the School of Business & Economics and the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.  It consists of six courses in each department and includes a semester-long program of study in a country where French, German or Spanish  is spoken as a primary language.   Students  will consult with advisors to choose programs abroad that compliment the programmatic focus. All students interested in this major should consult with Professors James P. West and Carmen Ferrero (Spanish), Joanne McKeown (French), or Axel Hildebrandt (German).  

There is no minor offered in International Management.  

Management Requirements (6 courses)

ECON 152 

Principles of Economics 

ACCT 157

Financial Accounting

ECON 236

International Economics

BUS 155

Business and Society

BUS 342WI:Organizational Behavior and Leadership

MGMT 333

International Issues in Management 

Controlled Elective

FIN 231: Managerial Finance or

MKTG 251: Marketing Management or

BUS 253: Human Resource Management 

Modern Language Requirements (6 courses)



(non-native speaker)


(heritage speaker)



Language Course

SPAN 110: Introductory Spanish III


FREN 110: Introductory French III 

GERM 110: Introductory German III

Language Course


SPAN 125: Spanish for Heritage Speakers


Lit and Culture

SPAN 210: Introduction to Hispanic Culture: Islamic Spain to the Colonial Period


SPAN 215:  Hispanic Literature and Culture: The Enlightenment to the Present in Latin America.

SPAN 210: Introduction to Hispanic Culture: Islamic Spain to the Colonial Period


SPAN 215:  Hispanic Literature and Culture: The Enlightenment to the Present in Latin America.

FREN 210: Multi-Modal Francophone Texts 


FREN 215: Multi-Modal Francophone Texts 


FREN 290: Doing Business with the French and Francophone Worlds

TWO of the following:

GERM 210: German Culture: Art & Culture

GERM 215: German Culture Lit & Film

GERM 241: Introduction to German Literature or equivalent

200 level elective 


Another 200 level course


Elective course above 215


Study abroad

200 or 300 level course during study abroad, in consultation with your advisor

200 or 300 level course during study abroad, in consultation with your advisor

200 or 300 level course during study abroad, in consultation with your advisor

200 or 300 level course during study abroad, in consultation with your advisor

300 level elective

Elective after study abroad

Elective after study abroad

Elective after study abroad

Elective after study abroad

 This program requires a semester abroad in which one business-related course and one modern language course must be taken. All students interested in this major should consult with James P. West and Carmen Ferrero (Spanish), Joanne McKeown (French), or Axel Hildebrandt (German). A student wishing to elect a major in international management with a language not listed should consult with the Department chair. There is no minor offered in International Management.

Teacher Certification in a World Language

Modern Languages and Literatures majors who plan to teach should consult the requirements for teacher certification under education and should take Education 361 and 378.

The major requirements for teacher certification in a world language are the same as for all other Modern Languages and Literatures majors.

Discussion and demonstration of teaching methods appropriate to the elementary and secondary school levels for developing proficiency in all four skill areas (reading, speaking, writing, and comprehension) are included in Education 361 and 378.

All non-native speakers of French, German, and Spanish who are candidates for secondary teacher certification in those languages are required to pass the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) with a minimum grade of Intermediate High in order to be recommended by the Modern Language and Literatures Department for student teaching. Students will pay the cost of the exam(s) and any expenses involved with doing the interview. 

Dual Certification in World Languages

When a student completes a full major in one modern language, certification may be obtained in a second under the following conditions:

  • Completion of seven courses above the elementary level in the second modern language, with the understanding that a desired level of proficiency may be reached after completion of fewer than seven courses in exceptional cases. It is also possible that a student may be required to complete work beyond the seven courses if, in the judgment of the Modern Languages and Literatures Department, the competence required for certification has not been achieved. The student must achieve the required 3.00 average in each language to be recommended for certification. Student-teaching experience is required in all languages in which certification is anticipated.
  • The seven courses must include Modern Language 210, 215, and 241/341 (or equivalent), and any additional upper-200 level course. As with all other Modern Languages and Literatures majors, a fall or spring term abroad is required.
  • Students interested in dual certification in world languages are advised to consult with their Education Department and major advisors early in their academic program.

Students wishing to obtain the teacher certification in Modern Languages should consult with Professor McKeown.

Departmental Recommendations

Modern Languages and Literatures majors are advised to work toward mastery of a second modern language and to extend their studies as far as possible in history, economics, management, literature, linguistics, philosophy, art, music, religion, and sociology. All majors are required to participate in an organized program of study abroad and to take advantage of extracurricular opportunities for contact with modern languages and cultures, such as language clubs, foreign films, and other cultural events. Students interested in learning one of the less commonly taught languages should consult the advisor.

Special Modern Languages and Literatures Courses

FORL 111-116. Masterpieces of Literature in English. Detailed study of works of classical Greek, French, German, Russian, or Spanish literature in English translation. Prerequisite: Writing 100. No knowledge of the modern language is required. Cannot be counted toward a modern language major or minor. 

FORL 111. French. Novels by writers such as Hugo, Balzac, Zola, Sartre, and Camus.

FORL 115. Spanish. Works by Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Zorrilla, Unamuno, Lorca, and later 20th-century writers, such as Buero Vallejo, Martín Gaite, and Matute. (M2)

FORL 116. Latin American. Works by Mistral, Neruda, Asturias, García Márquez, Paz, Walcott, Fuentes, Allende, Esquivel, Vargas Llosa. (M2)

FORL 123. Pop Culture of East Asia. TikTok, K-Pop, and anime, some of East Asia’s most popular cultural exports, have become the staple of American culture and entertainment today. From the heroine of an ancient ballad to Disney’s Mulan, how does a cultural figure migrate across time and space, medium and genre? From female foot binding to popular boy bands, how do body and politics, culture and capital intersect in shaping contemporary gender identities? More importantly, as a global phenomenon, what is distinctively “global” and unmistakably “Asian” about the pop culture of East Asia? This course aims to provide perspectives on relationships between East Asian popular culture and major socio-political issues and movements, mainly from the early 20th century to the present. It consists of studies of literature, cinema, theatre, manga (comics), anime (animation), music, television, advertisements, and magazines in China, Japan, and Korea. It also offers students the theoretical basis of popular culture studies by introducing the concepts of culture, the culture industry, intercultural communication and representation, etc. Through this course, students will acquire knowledge of the most important issues regarding contemporary East Asian cultures and societies, as well as necessary skills to approach these issues analytically and critically. Prerequisite: None. (M5)

FORL 129. Monsters in Modern Asian Cultures. (Also ENGL 129) Godzilla, Pokémon, vengeful ghosts, serpentine seductresses...: monsters in modern and contemporary Asian cultures have frightened and fascinated audiences across time and borders. The monstrous, the supernatural, and the uncanny are that which transgress, transform, and destabilize existing cultural norms, providing nuanced insights into the collective psyche of a society. This course explores the many ways monsters symbolize and personify issues, problems, fears and hopes that have shaped modern East Asian societies. We will also discuss the global popularity of monster movies, manga, and video games, how they shape the world’s perception of Asia, and through which, how Asian societies remake their own cultural images. Prerequisite: None. (M2)

FORL 214. Immigration, Exile and Internal Displacement in Latin American and Latino Literature. (Also Interdisciplinary 214) Immigration, exile and internal displacement are phenomena seen across the world, and ones that are frequent topics of discussion. This course will examine such issues among the diverse Latin American cultures through the lens of fiction. These texts and films deal directly with moments of social transformation, power differences, and cultural (mis)understanding. Studying how these works will help students better understand the timely issues of displacement, as well as how these issues are perceived and represented. Course conducted in English. (M5) Prerequisite: Writing 100 or LinC 101.

FORL 222. French Cinema: Stories of Inclusion and Resilience. (Also FREN 222) Students will study the overarching themes of inclusion and resilience in French cinema. The stories depict life and culture spanning four centuries, and in relation to major forces of change, including social migration, international conflict, and personal tragedy. Among the different genres in this collection are historical and contemporary drama, literary adaptation, and comedy. Social issues impacting on personal and group identity linked to inclusion and resilience include immigration, upward social mobility, family conflict, cultural and religious intolerance, and physical disability. The course will be taught in French and in English. Prerequisites: FREN 210 and 215 (French credit) or Writing 100 (elective credit). Prerequisite: for FREN 222: FREN 210 and FREN 215. For FORL 222: LinC101 or equivalent.

FORL 235. Cultural Competence for Health Professionals. This course will develop students’ knowledge of the US Latino/a community, cultural attitudes, beliefs and practices towards health care. It will also help students communicate effectively with Spanish speaking patients in a variety of medical settings. The course will focus on developing intercultural competence so that health care providers may offer adequate and culturally sensitive care to his or her Spanish speaking patients. Course will be taught in English. Prerequisite: Sophomore or higher standing. (M5).

FORL 320. Literary Representation of Acadia and Québec: Le Sapin et l’érable. (Also FREN 320)Closely tied to culture and place, literary and artistic representations of people change dramatically in different spaces and times. In this course, we will explore some of the most important literary canon that treats two distinct cultural groups found in French-speaking Canada: the Québécois and the Acadian. We will examine literature from several different time periods, and from different geographic spaces to see how different representations of these two identities evolved, how they clashed, and how they intertwined with each other. Through an adaptation of one of these works, we will examine how a change in geography and cultural identity changes the context of the work. Prerequisites: English language section: 2.0 GPA good standing. French language section: 2.0 GPA good standing and FREN215 completed or higher placement.


Spanish for Health Professionals Certificate Program

Flowchart for Spanish Heritage and Non-Heritage Speakers

In order to be in compliance with IPEDS and Middle States requirements, the certificate program must be at least 3.75 units. When placed into SPAN 106 or higher, eligible courses will be determined by Department to meet the minimum units required. 

Effectively a beginner (No Spanish, or 1-3 courses but learned/retained very little)

SPAN 103

SPAN  106

SPAN 111


FORL 235

Non-heritage speaker who has taken 3-4 Spanish courses and has learned/retained some Spanish from high school or has a higher proficiency level (example: honors or advanced placement) will place into SPAN 106.


SPAN  106

SPAN 111


FORL 235

Spanish heritage speaker (English dominant Spanish-speaking bilinguals who were born and educated in the United States; English dominant Spanish-speaking bilinguals who were raised in Spanish-speaking countries where they may have attended school for a short time, but who received most of their formal education in the United States; and Spanish dominant monolingual or bilingual English speakers who were educated in a Spanish-speaking country) will start with SPAN 111. 

Note: Spanish 125 is offered in fall and 111 in spring. With instructor’s permission, students will be allowed to take these two courses in any order.

  SPAN 111SPAN 125FORL 235

Courses in Classical Languages


LAT 100-105. Introductory Latin I and II. Introduction to the language, with oral and written exercises, and reading of simple prose. Introduction to Roman civilization. No previous study of Latin required. Prerequisite for Latin 105: Passing grade in Latin 100 or placement by the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. Three 70-minute periods. (F3) 

LAT 110. Latin III. Three weeks of systematic grammar and syntax review, including written exercises, followed by selective grammatical and syntactical analysis of Latin texts. Building vocabulary through texts and books such as K. C. Masterman's A Latin Word List. Translation and discussion of selections by Roman authors. Prerequisite: Passing grade in Latin 105 or placement by the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. (F3) 

Advanced-level courses to complete the major in Greek or Latin may be taken at Lehigh University or other LVAIC institutions upon availability.

LAT 190-199, 290-299, 390-399. Special Topics. 
LAT 286, 381-383. Independent Study.
LAT 384. Independent Research.
LAT 288, 386-388. Internship. 
LAT 400-401. Honors.


Courses in Hebrew are available through cross-registration at Moravian Theological Seminary.

Courses in Other Contemporary Languages


ARAB 100-105. Introductory Arabic I-II. Fundamentals of the Arabic language. These courses stress aural comprehension, basic grammar, correct pronunciation, and practical reading and writing. Courses also give exposure to graded literary texts and to Arabic culture and civilization. (F3) 

ARAB 190-199, 290-299, 390-399. Special Topics. 
ARAB 286, 381-383. Independent Study.
ARAB 384. Independent Research.
ARAB 288, 386-388. Internship. 
ARAB 400-401. Honors.


Courses in Chinese may be scheduled through cross-registration at Lehigh University.


FREN 100. Introductory French I. Beginning study of French language and culture through textual, audio, and visual materials. Learning to function in culturally authentic situations and to perform with some proficiency in the four fundamental skill areas: reading, writing, listening, speaking. Designed to develop novice to novice-mid oral and written proficiency as defined by the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages. (F3) 

FREN 105. Introductory French II. Continuation of FREN 100. Designed to develop novice-mid to novice-high proficiency in reading, writing, listening, speaking. Prerequisite: Passing grade in FREN 100 or placement by the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. (F3) 

FREN 110. Introductory French III. Continuation of FREN 105. Designed to develop intermediate-low proficiency in reading, writing, listening, speaking. Prerequisite: Passing grade in FREN 105 or placement by the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. (F3) 

FREN 210. Multi-modal Francophone Texts:  The Individual and Society. This course is designed to improve French language proficiency and skills at the intermediate level to prepare the transition to more advanced coursework.  Students will read a variety of texts and view or listen to media and digital resources from France and the Francophone world. Response to those works will hone skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Class is discussion-based and conducted entirely in French. Prerequisite:  FREN 110.

FREN 215. Multi-modal Francophone Texts: Nature, Leisure and Technology. This course is designed to improve French language skills at the intermediate level to prepare the transition to more advanced coursework.   Students will read a variety of texts and media sources from France and the Francophone world.   Response to those works will hone skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.  Class is discussion-based and conducted entirely in French.  Prerequisite:  FREN 110.  

FREN 222. French Cinema: Stories of Inclusion and Resilience. (Also FORL 222) Students will study the overarching themes of inclusion and resilience in French cinema. The stories depict life and culture spanning four centuries, and in relation to major forces of change, including social migration, international conflict, and personal tragedy. Among the different genres in this collection are historical and contemporary drama, literary adaptation, and comedy. Social issues impacting on personal and group identity linked to inclusion and resilience include immigration, upward social mobility, family conflict, cultural and religious intolerance, and physical disability. The course will be taught in French and in English.  Prerequisites: for FREN 222: FREN 210 and FREN 215. For FORL 222: LinC101 or equivalent.

FREN 225/325. French Connections: Poetry and Culinary Arts This course is designed to develop writing skills at the advanced level (ACTFL scale for proficiency in writing) to prepare students for writing in advanced-level literature classes.  Students will respond in writing to a variety of culture-based readings centered on French gastronomy. They will conduct research in French on related topics.  Grammar will be reviewed with a level-appropriate text.  Class is discussion-based and conducted entirely in French.  Not open to students who previously completed FREN 230. Prerequisites: FREN 210 and FREN 215  

FREN 241. Selected Prose Works in French. This course features selected prose works in French from throughout the Francophone world. The focus primarily on the narrative form includes unabridged short stories from France, Sénégal and the province of Quebec from beginning in the eighteenth century, and a twentieth-century novel from the French Antilles. Students will study how language and local cultures interact to express diverse lived and literary experiences.  The course develops reading proficiency of primary and secondary source materials, writing proficiency at the advanced level, and supports critical engagement with language and literature.  The course is taught in French. Prerequisites: FREN 210 and 215.  Students who have completed FREN 341 may not take this course. (M2)

FREN 260. Doing Business with the French and Francophone World. This course seeks to develop students’ cultural knowledge, business sense, and special vocabulary in preparation for working in a francophone environment. The program uses current, authentic materials to build communicative and cultural competencies in a student-centered and media-rich classroom. Students develop a shared acculturation document over the course of the semester for Americans working abroad; practical, transferable skills for doing business with the francophone world, including writing resumes and cover letters in the target language, will also prepare students for the job market in the United States.Prerequisites: FREN 210 and 215. 

FREN 265/365. Drama at the French Theatre. Students will read and analyze selected major works of dramatic literature in French from medieval times through the twentieth century.  Students will study how dominant themes, literary conventions and digressions from those conventions allow comedy, tragedy, tragi-comedy and theatre of the absurd productions to give voice to an array of concerns, cultures—and “drama”—over time.  Close readings, class discussion, writing assignments and dramatic readings in an actual performance space will help develop a deeper appreciation of the central conflicts in the texts, and identify areas of inquiry for further in-depth study and research.  Course is taught entirely in French. Prerequisite: A minimum of one course about FREN 215. Students who’ve taken FREN 265 cannot take FREN 365; students who’ve taken FREN 365 cannot take FREN 265.Ideally, students should be of junior or senior standing, but sophomores in good standing may take the course.  The course will count as an elective for the minor or major.

FREN 320. Literary Representation of Acadia and Québec: Le Sapin et l’érable. (Also FORL 320)Closely tied to culture and place, literary and artistic representations of people change dramatically in different spaces and times. In this course, we will explore some of the most important literary canon that treats two distinct cultural groups found in French-speaking Canada: the Québécois and the Acadian. We will examine literature from several different time periods, and from different geographic spaces to see how different representations of these two identities evolved, how they clashed, and how they intertwined with each other. Through an adaptation of one of these works, we will examine how a change in geography and cultural identity changes the context of the work. Prerequisites: English language section: 2.0 GPA good standing. French language section: 2.0 GPA good standing and FREN215 completed or higher placement.

FREN 341. Selected Prose Works in French. This course features selected prose works in French from throughout the Francophone world The focus primarily on the narrative form includes unabridged short stories from France, Sénégal and the province of Quebec beginning in the eighteenth century, and a twentieth-century novel from the French Antilles. Students will study how language and local cultures interact to express diverse lived and literary experiences.  The course develops reading proficiency of primary and secondary source materials, writing proficiency at the advanced level, and supports critical engagement with language and literature.  The course is taught in French. Prerequisites: FREN 210 and 215, and one additional course at the 200 level.  Students who have completed FREN 241 may not take this course. (M2)

FREN 350. Conformists and Rebels:  Selected works from Seventeenth and Eighteenth-century France. The course is designed to engage the students with selected works from the beginning of the seventeenth century when the literary salon culture began to flourish in Paris to the start of the French Revolution in 1789.  Students will study how the themes of conformity and rebellion are represented, paying special attention to how the conflicts arising from the intersection of these apparently opposing roles—conformist and rebel—are played out in essays, novels and plays of the period.  The course will be conducted entirely in French.  Prerequisites: FREN 210, FREN 215 and one other 200-level course or its equivalent abroad.   

FREN 353. A Role of Her Own: Works by French and Francophone Women. The course is designed to engage the students with works by women writing in French, specifically with respect to the theme of women’s roles in the domestic and public spheres.  Students will read a variety of literary genres, including essays, novels, and poetry from the medieval period through the twentieth-century.  They will study how writers from throughout the French speaking world have represented searches for meaningful roles in women’s lives, and will also consider the part the writing process itself has in crafting meaning for women. Students will read works by Christine de Pisan, Louise Labé, Isabelle de Charrière, Gabrielle Roy, Fatima Fallaire, Colette and Simone de Beauvoir, and others.  The course will be conducted entirely in French.  Prerequisites:  FREN 210, FREN 215 and one other 200-level course or its equivalent abroad.  

FREN 190-199, 290-299, 390-399. Special Topics. 
FREN 286, 381-383. Independent Study.
FREN 384. Independent Research.
FREN 288, 386-388. Internship. 
FREN 400-401. Honors.


GERM 100. Introductory German I. Beginning study of German language and culture through textual, audio, and visual materials. Learning to function in culturally authentic situations and to perform with some proficiency in the four fundamental skill areas: reading, writing, listening, speaking. Designed to develop novice to novice-mid oral and written proficiency as defined by the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages. (F3) 

GERM 105. Introductory German II. Continuation of GERM100. Designed to develop novice-mid to novice-high proficiency in reading, writing, listening, speaking. Prerequisite: Passing grade in GERM 100 or placement by the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. (F3) 

GERM 110. Introductory German III. Continuation of GERM 105. Designed to develop intermediate-low proficiency in reading, writing, listening, speaking. Prerequisite: Passing grade in GERM 105 or placement by the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. (F3) 

GERM 200. Witches and Demons in German History and Culture. (Also Interdisciplinary Studies 200) Examines a wide variety of texts and other media to explore the idea and representation of the strange and "deviant" in German literature and culture from early modern Europe to the present. Focus on the concept of the witch, witch-hunts, the Faust legend, and gender issues. Supplemented by audio-visual materials from art history, film, and popular culture. Taught in English. (M2)

GERM 210.  German Culture in Context: Art and Contemporary Culture. This course is designed to improve German language skills in the areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking at the intermediate level to prepare the transition to more advanced coursework.  We will discuss topics of history and the diversity of culture in German-speaking countries by using resources such as videos, Internet links and music.  Grammar concepts will be reviewed as well.  Prerequisite: GERM 110 

GERM 215. German Culture in Context: Literature and Film. This course is designed to improve German language skills at the intermediate level with an emphasis on short literary texts and films to prepare the transition to more advanced coursework.  We will discuss topics of literature and history and the diversity of culture in German-speaking countries by using Internet resources, videos and music.  Grammar concepts will be reviewed as well.  Prerequisite: GERM 110   

GERM 225. Berlin in Film and Literature. This course will discuss major forms and periods of literary texts and films in and about Berlin from the early 20th century to the present within their social, political, and cultural context. We study diverse voices of male and female authors, including immigrant writers and filmmakers, on themes important to their and our times such as social oppression, ethics, gender, nation, and identity.  Not open to students who have completed GERM 325.  Prerequisites:  GERM 210 and GERM 215. 

GERM 241. Introduction to German Literature. Analysis and discussion of selected texts from the past two centuries, designed to introduce students to representative authors, works, and genres, and to develop critical reading and writing skills. Readings of poetry, fairy tales, and works by authors such as Goethe, Tieck, Büchner, Droste-Hülshoff, Hauptmann, Thomas Mann, Brecht, and Dürrenmatt. Prerequisites: GERM 210 and GERM 215 or equivalent. (M2)

GERM 244. Young German Writers: Search for Identity. This course will cover one of the most exciting periods in German history through the perspective of young writers and filmmakers from the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 to the present. The difference between East and West Germany still influences literature, music, art, and politics and furthermore deals with discourses on national identity and economic inequalities.  Not open to students who have completed GERM 344.  Prerequisites:  GERM 210 and GERM 215 or equivalent.  

GERM 250. 20th-Century German Theater. Trends in German theater from expressionism to the present, through the plays of Toller, Horvath, Brecht, Fleisser, Lasker-Schüler, Borchert, Handke, Fassbinder, Kroetz, Bernhard, Jelinek. Prerequisites: GERM 210, GERM 215, and one other 200-level course or equivalent. Two 70-minute periods. Students who have completed GERM 350 may not take this course.

GERM 260. German Film in English: From Caligari to Fatih Akin. This course covers the periods from the beginning of filmmaking in Germany, exploitation of the media during the Nazi time and reflect on different political and moral implications in East and West Germany after the end of World War II, namely how films dealt with the Holocaust, and how life under socialism and capitalism are reflected in films.  German unification and its results as well as the situation of minorities in contemporary Germany will provide a broad overview and its moral implications in films.  Course taught in English.  (U2) Prerequisites:  None, for students not majoring in German.  For students majoring in German or German Studies, GERM 210 and GERM 215 are prerequisites; these students will have to write the papers in German.  

GERM 325.   Berlin in Film and Literature. This course will discuss major forms and periods of literary texts and films in and about Berlin from the early 20th century to the present within their social, political, and cultural context. We study diverse voices of male and female authors, including immigrant writers and filmmakers, on themes important to their and our times such as social oppression, ethics, gender, nation, and identity.  Not open to students who have completed GERM 225.   Prerequisites:  GERM 210, GERM 215, and one other 200-level course or equivalent. 

GERM 341. Women in German Literature and Culture. (Also Women's Studies 341) Study of texts by female authors from the 12th century onward, including Hildegard von Bingen, Mechthild von Magdeburg, Sophie La Roche, Louise Karsch, Bettina von Arnim, Rahel Varnhagen, Ebner-Eschenbach, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Anna Seghers, Ingeborg Bachmann, Christa Wolf, Doris Dorrie, Erica Fischer, and Caroline Link. Film and Internet resources complement the readings. Prerequisites: GERM 210, GERM 215, and one other 200-level course or equivalent. 

GERM 344.  Young German Writers: Search for Identity. This course will cover one of the most exciting periods in German history through the perspective of young writers and filmmakers from the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 to the present. The difference between East and West Germany still influences literature, music, art, and politics and furthermore deals with discourses on national identity and economic inequalities.  Not open to students who have completed GERM 244.  Prerequisites:  one course above GERM 215.  

GERM 350. 20th-Century German Theater. Trends in German theater from expressionism to the present, through the plays of Toller, Horvath, Brecht, Fleisser, Lasker-Schüler, Borchert, Handke, Fassbinder, Kroetz, Bernhard, Jelinek. Prerequisites: GERM 210, GERM 215, and one other 200-level course or equivalent. Two 70-minute periods. Students who have completed GERM 250 may not take this course.

GERM 360. German Literature from 1949 to the Present. Writings from the divided Germany until the opening of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Major plays, prose, and poetry by such writers as Böll, Lenz, Grass, Heym, Müller, Hein, Wolf, Kunert, and Fried. Excerpts from writings of Frisch, Dürrenmatt, Handke, and Bernhard. Some material on film. Prerequisites: GERM 210, GERM 215, and one other 200-level course or equivalent. Two 70-minute periods. 

GERM 190-199, 290-299, 390-399. Special Topics. 
GERM 286, 381-383. Independent Study.
GERM 384. Independent Research.
GERM 288, 386-388. Internship. 
GERM 400-401. Honors.


ITAL 100. Introductory Italian I. Beginning study of Italian language and culture through textual, audio, and visual materials. Learning to function in culturally authentic situations and to perform with some proficiency in the four fundamental skill areas: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Designed to develop novice to novice-mid oral and written proficiency as defined by the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages. Fall. Three 70-minute periods. (F3) 

ITAL 105. Introductory Italian II. Continuation of Italian 100. Designed to develop novice-mid to novice-high proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Prerequisite: Passing grade in ITAL 100 or placement by the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. Spring. Three 70-minute periods. (F3) 

ITAL 110. Introductory Italian III. Continuation of Italian 105. Designed to develop intermediate-low proficiency in reading, writing, listening, speaking. Prerequisite: Passing grade in ITAL 105 or placement by the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. (F3) 

ITAL 190-199, 290-299, 390-399. Special Topics. 
ITAL 286, 381-383. Independent Study.
ITAL 384. Independent Research.
ITAL 288, 386-388. Internship. 
ITAL 400-401. Honors.


Courses in Japanese may be scheduled through cross-registration at Lehigh University.


Courses in Russian may be scheduled through cross-registration at other area colleges.

Spanish Undergraduate Courses

SPAN 100. Introductory Spanish I. Beginning study of Spanish language and culture through textual, audio, and visual materials. Learning to function in culturally authentic situations and to perform with some proficiency in the four fundamental skill areas: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Designed to develop novice to novice-mid oral and written proficiency as defined by the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages. (F3) 

SPAN 103. Health Professions Spanish I. Beginning study of Spanish language and culture through textual, audio, and visual materials. Learning to function in culturally authentic situations and to perform with some proficiency in the four fundamental skill areas: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The vocabulary and context revolve around the medical professions. Designed to develop novice to novice-mid oral and written proficiency as defined by the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages. (F3)

SPAN 105. Introductory Spanish II. Continuation of SPAN 100. Designed to develop novice-mid to novice-high proficiency in reading, writing, listening, speaking. Prerequisite: Passing grade in SPAN 100 or placement by the Modern  Languages and Literatures  Department. (F3) 

SPAN 106. Health Professions Spanish II. Continuation of SPAN 103. Beginning study of Spanish language and culture through textual, audio, and visual materials. Learning to function in culturally authentic situations and to perform with some proficiency in the four fundamental skill areas: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The vocabulary and context revolve around the medical professions. Designed to develop novice to novice-mid oral and written proficiency as defined by the American Council of Teachers of Foreign Languages. (F3)

SPAN 110. Introductory Spanish III. Continuation of SPAN 105. Designed to develop intermediate-low proficiency in reading, writing, listening, speaking. Prerequisite: Passing grade in SPAN 105 or placement by the Modern Languages and Literatures Department. (F3) 

SPAN 111.  Conversational Spanish for Health Personnel. The primary objective of this course is to develop Spanish oral proficiency among health care pre-professionals and professionals who interact with Spanish-speaking patients. It will use applicable communicative tools and techniques, such as medical terminology, key words, power phrases, questionnaires, patient forms and effective interviews. It will continue to explore intercultural issues through reference information written from a cross-cultural perspective. This course will integrate a Service Learning (SL) experience at local community partners. SPAN 111 does not fulfill the F3 requirement. Prerequisite: SPAN 106 (F3) or permission from instructor. 

SPAN 112.  Spanish Language and Culture for Educators I. Spanish 112 is linguistically equivalent to SPAN 100. It is designed to help students in the education field achieve novice to novice-mid Spanish proficiency level (as defined by ACTFL). It will provide basic tools and develop cross-cultural competency for communicating with Spanish-speaking students and parents or guardians. Prerequisite: placement recommendation from Modern Languages and Literatures. (F3)

SPAN 113.  Spanish Language and Culture for Educators II. Spanish 113 is linguistically equivalent to SPAN 105. It is designed to help students in the education field achieve novice-mid to novice-high Spanish proficiency level (as defined by ACTFL). It will provide basic tools and develop cross-cultural competency for communicating with Spanish-speaking students and parents or guardians. Prerequisite: SPAN 112 or  Placement recommendation from Modern Languages and Literatures. (F3)

SPAN 125. Spanish for Heritage Speakers. This course is designed for incoming heritage speakers of Spanish who aspire to improve their writing skills and further develop their knowledge of the Spanish language. The course will offer a variety of engaging topics and readings, along with current cultural information. It will focus on spelling, accentuation, lexical development, and grammar topics especially relevant to English dominant Spanish-speaking students and Spanish dominant speakers. (F3) Prerequisite: Experience speaking Spanish with family and friends or instructor’s permission. Please note that heritage speakers are not allowed to take introductory SPAN 100, 103, 105, 106 or 110. Instead, they should enroll in SPAN 125 which counts towards the major, minor, and health certificate in Spanish. Heritage speakers who wish to pursue the Spanish for Health Professionals Certificate must start with SPAN 111: Conversational Spanish for Health Professionals. 

SPAN 210. Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures:  Islamic Spain to the Colonial Period. This course combines a chronological survey of Spanish literary and cultural history from Islamic Spain to the Colonial period with specific advanced language study.  Students will engage with a variety of texts and media sources and will hone their writing skills through different informal and formal assignments.  Class is discussion-based and conducted entirely in Spanish. Prerequisite:  SPAN 110 or SPAN 125.

SPAN 215.  Introduction to Hispanic Literatures and Cultures:  The Enlightenment to the Present in Latin America. This course combines a survey of Latin American literary and cultural history from the Enlightenment to the present with specific advanced language study.  Students will engage with a variety of texts and media sources and will hone their writing skills through different informal and formal assignments.  Class is discussion-based and conducted entirely in Spanish.  Prerequisite:  SPAN 110 or SPAN 125.

SPAN 241. Introduction to Literature of Spain and Latin America. Introduction to Spanish peninsular and Latin American literary genres (narrative, poetry, theater, and essay), movements and techniques from the Middle Ages to the present. Readings and discussion in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 210 and 215 or permission from instructor. (M2) 

SPAN 243. Introduction to Hispanic Literature in the U.S. This course provides an overview of the history of Latino literature in the U.S., introducing the major literary trends from the nineteenth century to today:  native literature, immigration literature and exile/refugee literature. Emphasis will be on similarities and differences in the experiences among diverse Hispanic groups, especially Puerto Rican, Mexican-American and Cuban-American groups who represent the largest Hispanic population in the U.S.  Pre-requisites: SPAN 210 and 215.  

SPAN 255.  From Macondo to McOndo. The literary “Boom” in Latin America took the global market by storm, drawing the world’s attention to the region’s rich offerings. In recent years, new writers and filmmakers have proclaimed a break with magical realism, reveled in the over-stimulated mediatic age, and weighed in on the effects of globalization. We will consider how “Latin American literature” itself has been figured as we explore the questions raised by these voices. We will also incorporate continued development of written and spoken expression in Spanish. Prerequisites: SPAN 210 and 215.  

SPAN 256.  Reel Images: Spanish Cinema from Buñuel to Almódovar. This course offers an opportunity to examine main trends in Spanish cinema from Luis Buñuel’s surrealistic provocations to Pedro Almodóvar’s irreverent, yet emotional portraits of Spain and its inhabitants. We will learn about the history, theory and criticism of Spanish cinema while paying special attention to the representation of violence and repression, issues of immigration and exile, and the intersection between film and literature.   Pre-requisites:  SPAN 210 and 215.  

SPAN 259/359.  Crossing Borders: Mexican Film. This course studies key developments in Mexican cinema from the 1950s to the present. The approach is multidisciplinary. On the one hand, it considers cultural history, politics, film production, and distribution of films; on the other, it provides an introduction to film studies in terms of technique, narrative, and style. The concept of national and transnational cinema is examined through the example of contemporary Mexican directors who have also successfully made films in the US, the UK, and Spain. Overall, this course seeks to expand the concept of literal border crossing to the symbolic gesture of becoming a migrant spectator who is able to see and better understand the other side of the border. Please note that the course is conducted in Spanish and students are required to read and write in the target language. Prerequisites at the 200-level: At least one Spanish course at the 200-level. Prerequisites at the 300-level: At least two Spanish courses at the 200-level, or instructor’s consent.

SPAN 262. Linguistic Varieties in the Spanish-Speaking World. This course examines how Castilian Spanish has changed due to the influence of the languages with which it has come in contact in Spain and Latin America.  The readings and multimedia materials will offer a new linguistic insight into the changeable concept of bilingualism, biculturalism, and diglossia.  The class also gives the opportunity to discuss the social, political and cultural conditions that define when a dialect becomes a language or when a language, through contact with other(s) turns into a “pidgin” or “creole.”  Prerequisites:  SPAN 210, 215, and one other 200-level course (or its equivalent abroad). NOTE: Students pursuing the SHCP certificate, who have not completed the prerequisites for this courses, must request permission from instructor.

SPAN 330. Spanish Literature into Film. A study of the Spanish Peninsular literature of the 19th and 20th centuries as portrayed in novels, romanticism, realism, naturalism, and the Generación del '98, and the adaptation of representative works into a film version. An incursion into modernism, Generación del '27, the postwar novel, and contemporary post-Francoist literature as seen in the new cinema and in other forms of art. 

SPAN 342. Love and Jealousy from Cervantes to Almodóvar. This course seeks to establish a connection between early modern Spanish writers and contemporary authors through the themes of love and jealousy, honor and dishonor, power and submission, appearance and reality.  This course starts with Cervantes’s and Maria de Zayas’s accounts and continues with a variety of contemporary texts and media that draw upon the rich visual imagery of early modern Spain.  Students will have the opportunity to conduct individual research and will be encouraged to present their work at undergraduate conferences.  Prerequisites:  SPAN 210, 215, and one other 200-level course (or its equivalent abroad). 

SPAN 345. Agency, Citizenship and Identity in the Southern Cone. This seminar examines questions of agency, citizenship and identity, as well as the subtle categories of inclusion and exclusion that shape different groups’ and individuals’ experiences in society.  Through a careful study of literary and filmic representations and multi-disciplinary secondary sources, we will focus on particular examples in the South American Southern Cone of the ways in which individuals and groups negotiate their place in society.  Students will have the opportunity to do individual research. Prerequisites:  SPAN 210, 215, and one other 200-level course (or its equivalent abroad).

SPAN 348. Central American Literature: Rebirth through Contemporary Voices. This course focuses on literary works written by contemporary Central American writers.  Special emphasis will be given to the relationship between literature and social change, stressing particularly the works of women writers.  Students will read short stories, poetry, plays, testimonial literature, and fragments of selected novels. Students will study about history, politics, human rights, social activism, and gender roles in the region.  Prerequisites:  SPAN 210, 215, and one other 200-level course (or its equivalent abroad)  

SPAN 354. Emblems and Visual Culture in Early Modern Spain. This course investigates the impact of emblematic literature and other forms of visual imagination in the early modern Spanish world. It will focus on the study of similarities between emblems and literature, and emblems and the visual arts to gain a better understanding of what an image means in a certain context and how an image is used to persuade and manipulate viewers. Students have the opportunity to conduct individual research and are encouraged to present their work at undergraduate conferences. Prerequisites:  SPAN 210, 215, and one other 200-level course (or its equivalent abroad).

SPAN 355. Latin-American Literary Movements. The clash between European culture and the indigenous world as it modified the European tradition brought to Latin America in the colonial period. The search for a unique national identity during the independence process as expressed in Latin American literature. Impact of modern literary expression (modernism, magical realism, writers of the '60s) on world literature. Readings and discussion in Spanish. Prerequisites: SPAN 210 and 215, plus one additional 200-level course, or instructor permission.

SPAN 356. Caribbean Literature: Space and Narrative. This course will examine the ways in which space and narrative are intertwined in the Caribbean imaginaries. Whether we consider the space of an island itself, particular spaces within and without a city, a house, a room, an airplane, for instance or abstract, conceptual spaces, their filmic and literary representations can help us better understand the complexities of national, social and individual identities, ideals, fears, and perceptions.  Prerequisites: SPAN 210, 215, and one other 200-level course (or its equivalent abroad) 

SPAN 357. Monsters and Madmen. Through a focus on eccentric and marginal figures in 20th and 21st-century Latin American literature, we will examine how society defines itself by what it excludes: the crazy, the monstrous, the deviant, the radically other. We will also consider how representations of those figures may at times constitute resistance and social critique.  Prerequisites: SPAN 210, 215, and one other 200-level course (or its equivalent abroad) 

SPAN 358. Latin American Popular Culture and Tradition. A study of the combination of different cultural traditions (the Indigenous, the European, and the Creole) which has resulted in a particular literary production. The course will focus on the literary representation of the struggle between the official and popular culture, the urban and rural worlds, and the elite and lower classes. Attention will be given to the non-traditional voice in Latin American arts. 

SPAN 360. 20th-Century Peninsular Literature. The literary generations of 1898 and 1927 and the postwar generation in Spain. Major authors, their ideas and influence. Readings and discussion in Spanish. Prerequisites: SPAN 230 and 241 or equivalent. 

SPAN 362. Linguistic Varieties in the Spanish-Speaking World. This course examines how Castilian Spanish has changed due to the influence of the languages with which it has come in contact in Spain and Latin America.  The readings and multimedia materials will offer a new linguistic insight into the changeable concept of bilingualism, biculturalism, and diglossia.  The class also gives the opportunity to discuss the social, political and cultural conditions that define when a dialect becomes a language or when a language, through contact with other(s) turns into a “pidgin” or “creole.”  Prerequisites:  SPAN 210, 215, and one other 200-level course (or its equivalent abroad). NOTE: Students pursuing the SHCP certificate, who have not completed the prerequisites for this courses, must request permission from instructor.

SPAN 190-199, 290-299, 390-399. Special Topics. 
SPAN 286, 381-383. Independent Study.
SPAN 384. Independent Research.
SPAN 288, 386-388. Internship. 
SPAN 400-401. Honors.

Spanish Graduate Courses

SPAN 512. Spanish for Educators I. Spanish 512 is designed to help students in education achieve novice to novice-mid Spanish proficiency level (as defined by ACTFL). It will provide basic tools and develop cross-cultural competency for communicating with Spanish-speaking students and parents or guardians. Prerequisites:  None

SPAN 513. Spanish for Educators II. Spanish 513 is designed to help students in education achieve novice-mid to novice-high Spanish proficiency level (as defined by ACTFL). It will provide basic tools and develop cross-cultural competency for communicating with Spanish-speaking students and parents or guardians. Prerequisites:  SPAN 512 Spanish for Educators I 

SPAN 514. Spanish for Educators III. Spanish 514 is designed to help students in education achieve novice-high to intermediate-low Spanish proficiency level (as defined by ACTFL). It will provide basic tools and develop cross-cultural competency for communicating with Spanish-speaking students and parents or guardians. Prerequisites SPAN 512 Spanish for Educators I and SPAN 513 Spanish for Educators II. Prerequisites:  SPAN 512 Spanish for Educators I and SPAN 513 Spanish for Educators II