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Chair:  Zaremba
Professors: Dunn, 
Associate Professors: Brill, Johnson
Assistant Professors: Leszko
Professor of Practice: Stano
Adjunct Faculty: M. Hanna, A. Holtzman, S. Finkle, T. Helm, J. Norton

The program presents psychology as an established body of knowledge that focuses on human and animal behavior, as a discipline that generates information and discovery by using methods of inquiry employed by the natural and social sciences, and as a field of professional activity that is variously applied to promote human welfare.

The curriculum includes a wide range of courses intended to contribute to the program of liberal study for students, whatever their fields of concentration, and offers a broad base of prerequisite knowledge at the introductory and intermediate levels for those who declare psychology as a major. Beyond this, students may further define their educational and career objectives by completing courses at the advanced level. 

Many courses offer a laboratory or experiential component, including field and observational studies, surveys, simulation and laboratory studies. There are opportunities to participate in internships, independent study projects, and, for the highly qualified student, the Honors program.

Students are encouraged to present their research at one of three major annual conferences: the Lehigh Valley Undergraduate Psychology Conference, the Psi Chi Undergraduate Research Symposium (held in conjunction with the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association), or the 91¿´Æ¬ Student Scholarship and Creative Endeavors Day. In addition to an active Psychology Club, the department sponsors a chapter of Psi Chi, the national honorary society in psychology, a student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management, and a chapter of Active Minds.

The Major in Psychology

The Psychological Science major (PSYC) consists of a nine-course curriculum offering broad knowledge across sub-disciplines, including social, cognitive, developmental and clinical areas. Students learn the basic methods of inquiry for the field of psychology and apply this through various subfields, with choice as to the areas they pursue. The Psychological Science major allows for students to pursue additional coursework in Psychology and/or expand into related areas (Education, Sociology, Foreign Language, Art, etc.) with either a minor or dual major as suits their interests. The Psychological Science major provides students with hands-on learning experiences that add a real-world dimension to your education. The active learning opportunities include independent study, independent research and internships. These opportunities provide students with one-on-one experiences with faculty members and help to prepare students for the next step in their career.

Students are required to satisfy the following requirements for the major in psychology:

All students must complete the following three courses:
   PSYC 120Introduction to Psychology
   PSYC 211WI: Experimental Methods and Data Analysis I 
(grade of C or better required to advance to Psychology 212 and declare the major in psychology) (Writing Intensive)
   PSYC 212Experimental Methods and Data Analysis II
Students must choose one course from each of the following required clusters:
Cluster A: Experimental-cognitive cluster (1 course)
   PSYC 315Cognitive Psychology
   PSYC 320Mind and Brain
   PSYC 335Conditioning, Learning, and Behavior
Cluster B: Clinical-counseling cluster (1 course)
   PSYC 362Psychopathology
   PSYC 363Psychological Testing
Cluster C: Social-personality cluster (1 course)
   PSYC 340Social Psychology
   PSYC 361Personality Psychology
   PSYC 367 Health Psychology
Cluster D: Developmental cluster (1 course)
   PSYC 370Infancy and Childhood
   PSYC 371Adolescence, Adulthood, and Aging
   PSYC 374                                   Gender Development
Students must choose one of the following seminar courses:
   PSYC373Contemporary Work-Life Challenges
   PSYC375Seminar in Social/Personality Psychology
   PSYC 310 Psychology of Addictions
   PSYC 377Seminar in Developmental Psychology
   PSYC 378Seminar in Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Students must choose one elective course. This may be any psychology course that is above the 212 level, and chosen in consultation with the academic advisor. These include any of the courses listed in the clusters and seminars above. In addition, electives may be chosen from:
   PSYC 218Industrial/Organizational Psychology
   PSYC 230History, Theories, and Systems
   PSYC 251Philosophy of Psychology
   PSYC 260Sports Psychology
   PSYC 345

Psychology of Women, Gender and Sexuality

   PSYC 373Contemporary Work-Life Challenges
   PSYC 381Independent Study
   PSYC 386Internship
   PSYC 400-401Honors*
   *Students enrolled in PSYC 400 are exempted from the seminar requirement.

The Major in Counseling Psychology

The Counseling Psychology major (CPSY) has a twelve-course requirement aimed at providing undergraduate students with an introduction to basic vocabulary and concepts, methodologies and applications of the counseling discipline. Students will explore broad counseling subject matter, serving as an overview of the counseling field. This major will encourage critical thinking and advancing/acknowledging diverse ways of knowing in psychology and the applied counseling field. Likewise, this major will provide students with an overview of core ethical issues in the practice of counseling, including confidentiality, informed consent and competence to practice. The major will also expose students to current issues in the counseling field, such as managed care, treating diverse populations, and working in multi-disciplinary teams. The courses will also familiarize students with the practice of active listening, intervention, and the general stages of counseling. Students in this major who qualify can apply to enter 91¿´Æ¬â€™s Master of Arts in Counseling Pathway Program while completing their undergraduate degree. (see: /behavioral-community-health/pre-admission)


  • PSYC 120  Introduction to Psychology 

  • CPSY 217 Lifespan Development for the Helping Professions  

  • PSYC 211 Psychological Research Methods

  • CPSY 235 Introduction to the Helping Professions

  • PSYC 278  Psychology of Diversity 

  • PSYC 320 Mind and Brain 

  • PSYC 361 Personality Psychology 

  • PSYC 362 Psychopathology 

  • CPSY 337 Ethics, Issues & Skills in the Helping Professions 


Electives (pick 3)

  • PSYC 212 Learning from Data 

  • PSYC 214  Psychology of Activism

  • PSYC 310 Psychology of Addictions 

  • PSYC 335 Applied Behavior Analysis 

  • PSYC 340 Social Psychology

  • PSYC 345 Psychology of Women, Gender & Sexuality  

  • PSYC 367 Health Psychology

  • PSYC 373 Contemporary Work-Life Challenges

  • PSYC 374  Gender Development

  • PSYC 373-377  Psychology Seminars

The Interdepartmental Major

The six courses of Set I include the required courses PSYC 120, PSYC 211, PSYC 212. For the three remaining courses, students may take three 300-level courses or two 300-level and one 200-level course.

The Minor in Psychology

The minor in psychology consists of six course units: PSYC 120, PSYC 211, PSYC 212 and three additional courses that must include at least two 300-level courses. (Please note that in order to be eligible to declare the minor in psychology, a student must complete PSYC 120 and then earn a grade of C or higher in PSYC 211.)

Courses in Counseling Psychology

CPSY 217. Lifespan Development for Helping Professionals. Individual development as a lifelong process. Representative theories, research, and controversies on conception and birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, death and dying. Insight into social, emotional, cognitive, and physical aspects of aging along the various stages of development. Prerequisite: Counseling Psychology major.

CPSY 235. Introduction to the Helping Professions. This course will provide an overview of the current and historical counseling field, and the related mental health service delivery systems and professions therein. Course topics will include practice competence, licensure, credentialing, professional organizations, service delivery types, populations served and underserved, and common treatment issues. All topics covered will be contextualized with a focus on relevant diversity issues in the counseling field. Prerequisite: None.

CPSY 337. Ethics, Issues & Skills in the Helping Professions. This course will provide students with an overview of core ethical issues in the practice of counseling including confidentiality, informed consent, and competence to practice. Course material will also expose students to current issues in the counseling field such as managed care, treating diverse populations, and working on multi-disciplinary teams. The course will also familiarize students with the practice of active listening, intervention, and the general stages of counseling. Prerequisite: CPSY 235.

Introductory Courses in Psychology

PSYC 105. Psychology of Human Adjustment. Introduction to basic theoretical principles of psychological coping and adjustment. Students will learn greater insight and efficacy in dealing with social and behavioral forces they encounter and will acquire an appreciation for the importance of psychology and its reliance on other disciplines to understand and improve complex social and behavioral phenomena. (M4) (Does not count towards the psychology major/minor).

PSYC 120. Introduction to Psychology. Overview of research drawn from biological, perceptual, cognitive, developmental, clinical, social, and personality traditions in the discipline.

Intermediate Courses in Psychology

PSYC 207. Lifespan Development for Health Professionals. Individual development as a lifelong process. Representative theories, research, and controversies on conception and birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, old age, death and dying. Insight into social, emotional, cognitive, and physical aspects of aging along the various stages of development.  Prerequisite: nursing/health related majors.

PSYC 211. WI: Psychological Research Methods. This course focuses on research methodology as the means by which knowledge within the field of psychology is gathered and advanced. Students will learn to be consumers of psychological literature. Topics to be included are: research methodology and design, scientific writing and American Psychological Association (APA) format, ethical considerations in research and practice, and descriptive statistics.  This course serves as the writing intensive course for psychology majors. Prerequisite: PSYC 120. Writing-intensive (WI).

PSYC 212. Learning from Data. Students will learn skills employing principles of research methodology and statistical analyses.  PSYC 212 builds on the descriptive statistics covered in PSYC 211 with a focus on basic inferential statistics. A series of labs will introduce critical thinking skills and knowledge regarding how to analyze and interpret data collected under a variety of experimental and non-experimental conditions. We will continue to explore critical thinking and writing with major emphasis on scientific writing and American Psychological Association (APA) format. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 with a grade of C or better. 

PSYC 214. Psychology of Activism. In this class we will examine how social change occurs and investigate what roles we can play to create effective change. We will examine what it means to be an activist and what motivates some people to take action in order to address social problems. At the same time, we will consider what factors prevent other citizens from becoming involved in activist projects in their communities, even when they benefit from them. We will learn from the stories of activists in our community as students work to develop their own individual activism project.

PSYC 218. Industrial/Organizational Psychology. This course will explore the history, advances and contemporary trends in the field of industrial/organizational psychology. Students will learn about the application of psychology to the world of work as achieved through the use of science and practitioner collaboration as the main tools of this discipline. Students will study the factors that contribute to an optimal fit between the worker, the job and the organization with the goals of improved worker performance and well-being. Students will critically examine the psychological implications that come with the challenge of meeting these commonly competing goals in our current society. 

PSYC 222. Emerging Language and Literacy, Pre-K to 4th Grade. (also EDUC 222) The course begins with a brief overview of the recent key national policies and initiatives that have impacted the teaching of literacy from birth to kindergarten. Students will learn key aspects of language and literacy that will promote early reading success in preschool and childcare settings. They will be able to apply their learning into practice with a field experience. Students will expand their knowledge of the initial reading instruction practices that develop real readers. Students will also learn ways of preventing reading difficulties through developmental interventions. Assessment methods always inform programs so students know if a child is making process in reading-related skills and early reading. Students will also learn how to work with parents and policy makers who always influence early learning programs and who make decisions regarding early reading instruction. 40-hour field experience. May be registered as a psychology course only by students majoring in psychology and also obtaining teaching certification in early childhood education. Co-requisite: EDUC 210. Prerequisite: EDUC 100.2 and 160; GPA of 2.70. Clearances and other documents for fieldwork required. Fall

PSYC 230. History, Theories, and Systems. Historical origins of contemporary psychology, including structuralism, associationism, functionalism, behaviorism, Gestalt, and psychoanalysis, as well as recent developments in the field. Prerequisite: PSYC 120 or permission of instructor. 

PSYC 250. Animal Behavior. (Also BIOL 250) Neurological, ecological, and genetic basis of behavior, with emphasis on evolutionary mechanisms that govern acquisition of behavioral patterns. Prerequisite: BIOL 100 or 112 or PSYC 105 or 120. Fall, alternate years. Two 70-minute periods, one 3-hour laboratory. 

PSYC 251. Philosophy of Psychology. (Also PHIL 251) An examination of philosophical and empirical theories of the mind. Main questions will be: What is the mind? How does the mind relate to the brain and behavior? Can the mind be studied scientifically? What is the nature of conscious experience? Different accounts of the nature of mind will be discussed such as behaviorism, materialism, and functionalism. In addition, we will survey main approaches to the mind found in contemporary cognitive science, a multi-disciplinary field consisting of (among other things) artificial intelligence, cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience and philosophy. (U1)

PSYC 260. Sports Psychology. This course will examine the dynamics of human behavior, internal processes, and group dynamics in the context of athletic competition, recreation, and pursuit of one’s personal physical well-being goals. Various psychological applications and interventions to increase coaching effectiveness and the realization of individual athletic potential and well-being will be explored. Students will gain a greater understanding of science, theory, and practice as collaborative tools for the domains of sport and exercise. No prerequisites.

PSYC 278. Psychology of Diversity. We live in a world that is increasingly diverse. This course will focus on the psychological science of diversity with a central focus on the links between diversity and psychological processes at individual, interpersonal, and international levels. We don’t experience life through a single lens; rather, we experience many elements of our identity: gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, citizenship, disability, age, language, and religious, sexual orientation.  We will examine the intersections of these elements. The seminar will investigate the psychological research on prejudice, discrimination and stereotyping and the effects and consequences of being part of marginalized groups.  Prerequisites; PSYC 120.

PSYC 281.2. Success in the Psychology Major/Careers in Psychology. This half-unit course is designed to provide psychology majors with knowledge, tools, and skills they need to do well in the major and to make informed postgraduate choices. We will define the breadth and scope of the discipline, and discuss academic requirements and expectations for the major, internships, research opportunities (e.g., independent studies, honors), career options and job searching, as well as applying to graduate school.

Advanced Courses in Psychology

PSYC 310. Psychology of Addiction. This course will explore the nature of addiction.  We will discuss substance abuse as well as other emerging categories of addiction (such as gambling, eating, sexual, internet, and shopping).  We will examine each of these addictions in the context of four perspectives: biological, psychological, historical, and cultural.  Special emphasis will be placed upon the neural mechanisms of addiction. Prerequisites: PSYC 120 and PSYC 211

PSYC 315. Cognitive Psychology. Major issues, research findings, and theories of human mental processes. Topics include perception, attention, memory, human information- processing, mental imagery, language, creativity, thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making. Prerequisite: PSYC 211.

PSYC 320. Mind and Brain.This course investigates how the brain serves as the basis for our thought processes and behavior.  Topics may include attention, perception, learning and memory, language, emotion, social interactions, and consciousness.  We start with an overview of the structure of the brain.  Emphasis is placed on brain-behavior relationships, especially in relation to cognitive processes.  Students will learn about techniques used to understand the general relationships between the brain, thought, and behavior.  Prerequisite:  PSYC 211.

PSYC 335. Conditioning, Learning, and Behavior. Procedures, phenomena, and processes of conditioning and learning in animals and humans. Major issues, research findings, and contemporary theories of conditioning and learning. Behavioral approach to the study of learning. Topics include classical (Pavlovian) and instrumental (operant) conditioning and their interaction; reinforcement; stimulus generalization, discrimination, and control; biological constraints on learning; and cognitive components of conditioning and learning. Laboratory work. Prerequisite: PSYC 211. 

PSYC 340. Social Psychology. A survey of the major theoretical and empirical research in social psychology, including person perception and social cognition, attitudes and persuasion, prejudice and stereotyping, interpersonal attraction, and helping behavior. Some theoretical applications will be discussed, as will methodological approaches to social psychological questions and problems. Students will complete research projects and writing assignments. Prerequisite: PSYC 211. 

PSYC 345. Psychology of Women, Gender and Sexuality. (Also WGSS 345) The Psychology of Women, Gender, and Sexuality is an interdisciplinary study that examines the intricate ways in which gender relations shape the world in which we live. It includes an analysis of current psychological research on women, gender and sexuality. Special emphasis will be placed on critical analysis of the assumptions about human nature and science that are embedded in our approaches to understanding sex, gender and sexuality. Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing. 

PSYC 361. Personality. Major systematic interpretations of personality, including works of Adler, Allport, Erikson, Freud, Maslow, Rogers, and Skinner. We will consider what it means to be "normal," as well as each theoretical perspective's guides to living. Theoretical and applied level of analysis included. Prerequisite: PSYC 211.

PSYC 362. Psychopathology. Analysis of disordered behavior: description, possible origins, prevention, treatment, and social significance. Current research and new developments. Class lectures and discussions, case studies. Prerequisite: HLTP 189 (or MATH 107) AND HLTP 230 or PSYC 211 or HLTR 310.

PSYC 363. Psychological Testing. Opportunity to develop the skills for assessing quality of commonly used measures of human behavior. Basic material on norms, reliability, and validity leads to evaluation, administration, and interpretation of tests currently in use in clinical, industrial, and educational settings. Topics include ethics, testing and the law, and test construction. Prerequisite: PSYC 211. 

PSYC 367. Health Psychology. How do social relationships affect health? How can we help people cope with a chronic illness? What is the role of stress in physical health? Health psychology is a richly interdisciplinary field that allows us to address such questions in the context of individual, cultural, social, and economic factors. You will learn the history of health psychology, major theories in the field, and methods of applying health psychology to promote health and prevent disease. By the end of this course you will have the knowledge and skills necessary to think critically about health-relevant research and public policy, as well as about your own medical encounters and health behaviors. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 and sophomore or higher standing. 

PSYC 370. Infancy and Childhood. Development of the child from prenatal period through pre-adolescence. Theories, research, and current issues in cognitive, social-emotional, and physical development with emphasis on stability and change across these stages of development. Topics include physical changes, attachment, emotions, parenting, morality, language, memory, education, peer relations, aggression, and gender identity. Developmental methodology and empirical evidence. Prerequisite: PSYC 211. 

PSYC 371. Adolescence, Adulthood, and Aging. Development of the person from adolescence through death. Understanding theories, research, and current issues in cognitive, social-emotional, and physical development with emphasis on stability and change over these stages of development. Topics include physical growth and decline, identity development, peer relations, romantic relations, health and nutrition, leaving home, marriage, parenthood, vocational choice, grandparenthood, retirement, illness, death. Developmental methodology and empirical evidence. Prerequisite: PSYC 211. 

PSYC 373. Contemporary Work-Life Challenges. (Also IDIS 373) An exploration of the emerging theories and controversial issues regarding the relationship between work, family, and other life roles. Both the employee and employer perspective will be discussed within an organizational context, and from various moral perspectives. Students will also consider and react to the psychological adjustment and decision-making issues posed by the impact of work on one's family and life roles, and vice versa. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. (U2) 

PSYC 374. Gender Development. (Also WGSS 374) The field of Gender Development is at the intersection of several areas of psychology including, gender, developmental, and social psychology. This class will examine the construct of gender. The class will address a variety of topics, including history and theoretical perspectives on gender, differentiation of sex versus gender, gender development across the lifespan, development of gender identity, gender related differences and similarities, and current research methodology in studying these topics. Prerequisite: PSYC 211.

PSYC 375. Seminar in Social/Personality Psychology. Contemporary issues in social psychology and/or personality psychology. Issues will vary to reflect new disciplinary developments or instructor interests. Prerequisite: PSYC 211; junior or senior standing or permission of instructor. 

PSYC 377. Seminar in Developmental Psychology. Contemporary issues in developmental psychology, focusing on how developmental theory and methodology can promote health and welfare across the lifespan. Topics vary from year to year. Practical approaches for developmental psychologists in explaining, assessing, and intervening in current social challenges. Individual and societal implications of various issues from the perspective of developmental science. Ethical and cultural influences on developmental psychology. Prerequisite: PSYC 211; junior or senior standing or permission of instructor. 

PSYC 378. Seminar in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. In-depth study of emerging areas in industrial/organizational psychology. Issues will vary to reflect new developments and contemporary approaches. Prerequisite: PSYC 211; junior or senior standing or permission of instructor. 

PSYC 190-199, 290-299, 390-399. Special Topics.
PSYC 286, 381-383. Independent Study.
PSYC 384. Independent Research.
PSYC 288, 386-388. Internship.
PSYC 400-401. Honors.