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Sylvia Burno ’27

Anna Nitschmann Society Endowed Scholarship Fund

“I cannot express how forever thankful I am for this opportunity to receive this scholarship. Moravian means so much to me, and I am so honored to be a part of this school.”


Hometown: Coopersburg, PA

High school: Southern Lehigh High School

Commuter or on campus:  On campus

Major: Psychology

Clubs: Cheerleading 

What inspired you to attend Moravian?

I love the atmosphere of Moravian and all the different things the school has to offer.

What are your career goals and desired profession?

As of now, I am a psychology major, and I would love to become a school guidance counselor, probably at the secondary education level.

What inspired you to pursue your major?

The thing that inspired me the most to pursue my major was a helpful guidance counselor I had in high school. She was really supportive, and I looked up to her as a role model.

Are you considering an advanced degree? If so, what are your plans?

Yes, I am considering an advanced degree for my goal of becoming a guidance counselor. I need to achieve my master’s degree, which I would love to continue at Moravian.

How has your experience at Moravian contributed to your personal growth or development?

I think my experience at Moravian has helped my personal growth by teaching me to be more independent and how to work better with others.

If you met someone new and had to describe yourself in one sentence, what would you say?

I would say I am a hardworking student who has overcome a lot of hardship.

What is one word to describe your Moravian experience?


Thank You

I am so grateful for all of the help I have been provided. I cannot express how forever thankful I am for this opportunity to receive this scholarship. To even be considered means the absolute world to me, and I could not be happier. I come from a family with a single parent, which means paying for college for two children is very difficult. Without this scholarship, it would not be possible. Having an education means so much to me, especially being a first-generation student. I’ve always struggled in school but having the opportunity to attend a university—an opportunity I know not everyone receives—has inspired me to give my absolute best in every class. Moravian means so much to me, and I am so honored to be a part of this school.