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MU Spotlight: Lina Fu ’20

91¿´Æ¬ Spotlight 20/20: Lina Fu '20

MU Spotlight 20/20

Lina Fu ’20

What is your role at the University and what is something many may not know about the work you do?

In 2017, I became a representative of USG, a position that I will hold until the end of 2018. Being a representative helps develop my leadership skills, and allows me to gather views from my peers and improve the learning experience for students. I am also the president for International Club. By planning, organizing, and carrying out club events, I have developed my ability to work within a team. Being an International Orientation Leader during summer 2017 was a lot of responsibility because we came out to events for incoming freshman so that they could learn how to better adapt to college life. I learned how to be responsible, respect individuals, and I developed leadership skills from these experiences in the 91¿´Æ¬ community.

My favorite spot on campus is ______ because ______.

My favorite spot on campus is the fireplace inside the HUB. I like to hang out with my friends there and play piano sometimes.

My favorite College tradition is ______ because _____.

My favorite College tradition is Heritage Day because doing community service is a great experience for me. Volunteering makes me feel happy and I am glad to see us as college students giving back to the community.

One thing that many of my colleagues don’t know about me outside of my 91¿´Æ¬ responsibilities is ______. I am sharing this with you because ______.

I am an international student and I teach kids language classes.

Lina Fu

My typical weekend would go something like this:

I like to travel and go hiking; I work on Sundays so usually I will plan some hiking trip with my friends on Saturdays.

I gave and/or received a MoPaw to/from ______ and it made me smile because ______.

I gave a MoPaw to the health center because they helped me a lot during my freshman year. I twisted my ankle and was sent to the hospital. Kathy helped me with my insurance company and Kelly helped me to recover faster. I am really appreciative for their help and that’s why I gave them a MoPaw.

My favorite thing to do when I am away from campus is ______ because ______.

I love to travel and visit art museums. Traveling broadens your view and you can make friends from different places.

I like the color ______ because ______.

I like the color blue because blue makes you relax and is the color of the sea.

When I grow up, I want to be ______ because ______.

I want to do something related to health/medicine because I like helping people.

Who is your hero? Why?

My hero is my grandfather on my mom’s side. I admire his perseverance. He was born into a poor family and did not have much of a chance to do what he wanted to do so he joined the military and by the time he retired he was a commander. He finished his college degree while he served and taught himself two languages. He is my hero because he makes me believe nothing is impossible.

What is the best advice you have ever received?

Sure, someone out there will always be prettier, smarter, funnier, a harder worker, etc. And it’s so easy to drown ourselves in comparisons. But at the end of the day none of that matters because you’re not in competition with anyone. You only have to prove yourself to one person: you.

What sound do you love? Why?

I am a big fan of K-pop because they are great dancers and trained for two to four years to earn the opportunity to perform on stage. I feel proud of them; they are hard workers.

What is your favorite ice cream? Why?

I love coffee flavored ice cream. Ice cream is sweet and coffee is a bit bitter. Pure sweet is boring—bitter makes the flavor more interesting.

I can never resist a good __________.


What makes you happy?

Good weather, friends, and family