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War and Peace

165 Life Walk of Justice: Introduction to Peace and Justice Studies (Also Interdisciplinary 165, Sociology 165) In this course, students will be encouraged to identify and analyze (in)justice in our own lives, communities and world. In addition to course readings, we will use the contemplative practices of memoir and walking as resources for critical thinking. A majority of the course will involve students developing responses to (in)justice through various projects that reflect students’ own passion and design, including academic, artistic, political, social, service-oriented, and personal responses. (M3)

211 Christian Ethics and War How should humans respond to the perennial human problem of war? This course provides an introduction to ethics from Christian perspective through focus on this social issue. Students will be exposed to a wide spectrum of responses, including pacifism, nonviolent direct action, just war theory, Christian realism, warrior ethics, and more; and will develop their own ethic as their final project for the semester. (U2)

221 Buddhism and Mindfulness What is mindfulness? Does it improve health? Why are mindfulness-based programs being increasingly introduced into big corporations, startups, churches, public schools, hospitals, prisons, law enforcement, and the military? This course will explore: 1) the relationship between Buddhist traditions and mindfulness; 2) scientific research on the effects of mindfulness; and 3) the ethical debate on the commodification of mindfulness. (U1)

244 What is Peace? Students explore the nature, meaning and discipline of peace from different traditions, theories and perspectives. They investigate case studies of peace movements in recent times, and develop their own visions of peace through a research project they present for peer review. This final project will take the shape of a paper, film, or other modality according to student interest. (M3) "This is an InFocus Town Hall Course. Please set aside the evenings of April 18 and 21st for participation. This is a requirement of this course."

246 War and Peace in the Biblical World This course will explore ideologies of warfare and other forms of sanctioned mass violence, as well as ancient hopes and expectation for peace. Ancient Near Eastern texts and practices will be studied in addition to biblical texts. (U2)