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students on a boardwalk

Abstracts and Presentation Instructions

Abstract Guidelines:

All abstracts should be under 250 words and should be clear and understandable to a general audience. Someone who studies shrimp ecology is probably not going to understand the technical jargon associated with population genetics or know the scientific names of all the Lehigh Valley fungi! You can of course write whatever you like and you have an opportunity to explain things in your presentation/poster, but this is good practice for engaging with a more general audience. 

Abstract Submission is Closed

Submit at the link above by April 7, 2024 if you intend to give a talk or poster! Be sure you fill out both the registration form and the abstract form. Please direct any questions about abstract submission to Josh Lord.

Instructions for Presenters

Oral presentations:

Each oral presentation is allotted a 15-minute time slot. It is recommended that talks are limited to 12 minutes, allowing 3 minutes for questions. A Macbook will be provided for running presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint or in Adobe Reader. Please bring your talk file on a USB drive - you will transfer it to the presentation computer during check-in (or in the break before your session starts, if you feel like living on the edge!). Presentations have been assigned to one of two sessions (see schedule). Presenters are asked to find the session moderator in the lecture h 15 minutes prior to the start of the session to upload the talk if you didn't do it at check-in. 

Poster presentations:

Poster boards, easels, and pushpins will be supplied. Ideally, posters would be less than 36" wide and 27" tall, but we have some flexible poster space if you are reusing a larger poster from another conference. Poster presenters will be assigned a poster number representing the location for their poster. Odd-numbered posters will be presented during poster session I, and even-numbered posters will be presented during poster session II. Presenters should hang their posters in the morning after checking in, to allow maximum time for poster viewing.