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Research Opportunities

Students in the Mathematics program regularly take part in individualized experiences to help them develop as mathematicians. These include:


Students have had internships with many different companies in the area. These opportunities can occur at any time in the year and can count for multiple credits toward graduation. Examples:

  • Guardian Life Insurance
  • Mack Truck
  • Victaulic
  • PPL
  • B.Braun
  • Olympus
  • Many others in the area


Student Opportunity for Academic Research (SOAR) provides funding for students to pursue research projects with a faculty member over the summer. Faculty from our program are always interested in working with talented students on these wonderful projects. Examples:

  • Network Reliability Measures
  • Analyzing Partisan Combinatorial Games
  • Bandaged and Constrained Rubik’s Cubes
  • Quasi-Crowns
  • Network Analysis in Music
  • View other recent SOAR examples


Exceptional students may choose to pursue an Honors project in their senior year. This is a year-long project in coordination with a faculty advisor. Our faculty love working with students in this capacity. Examples:

  • Exploring Potential Energy Functions (with Physics)
  • Determining College Success Based on High School Performance
  • Partizan Graph Connectivity Games
  • Following Folding Transitions with Capillary Electrophoresis and Ion Mobility Spectrometry (with Chemistry)
  • The k-Neighbor Component Connectivity of a Graph
  • An Exploration of Lie Algebras and Kostant's Weight Multiplicity Formula
  • Upper Bounds on the Birank Number of G3,n
  • Exploration of the Phenotypic Search Space of Grammatical Evolution
  • Locking Conditions of Polygonal Chains in R3: A Model for Protein Chains
  • View other recent Honors examples


Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) is a national program funded by the NSF that sponsors undergraduate research groups throughout the country. We have had many students go to these. Examples:

  • Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA: Research Challenges of Identifying Integer Sequences Using the OEIS
  • Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA: Physics Undergraduate Research Program
  • Texas A&M, College Station, TX: Cyclotron Institute
  • South Dakota School of Mines, Rapid City, SD: Distribution of Degeneracy in the Phenotypic Search Space of Grammar Evolution Algorithms

Independent Study

An Independent Study is a credit carrying course completed in small groups of one or two students with a faculty member. The course provide students an opportunity to learn a wide array of interesting topics which are not in the course catalog. The department typically has 3-4 independent studies per year. Examples:

  • Game Theory
  • Graph Theory
  • Putnam Problem Solving Course
  • Introduction to Mathematical Research
  • Introduction to Topology
  • Differential Geometry
  • Introduction to Probability Theory
  • Mathematical Theory of Interest
  • Introduction to Biological Sequence Analysis