Ramaj Jewett B, Tomes C, Voigt K, Mokha GM. The effects of equipment carriage on functional movement quality among law enforcement officers. Ergonomics. 2023;66(12):2277-2287. doi: 10.1080/00140139.2023.2199954.
Fauntroy V, Stork A, et al. Sleep, dance exposure hours, and injury risk in collegiate dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science. 2023;27(2):92.98. doi: 10.1177/1089313X231177179
Wise S, Kutz MR. Leadership and management curricula trends in athletic training education. Journal of Sports Medicine and Allied Health Sciences. 2023;9(2): Article 2. Available:
Dhokai N,. Fauntroy V, et al. Community arts engagement supports perceptions of personal growth in older adults. J Aging Stud. 2023;66:1-8.
Wise SL, Payne EK. Factors and barriers to engagement within athletic training leadership. Athl Train Educ J.&稼恢壊沿;2022;17(2):138150
Ambegaonkar JP,. Fauntroy V, et al. Dance, music, and social conversation program participation positively affects physical and mental health in community-dwelling older adults: A randomized controlled trial. J Dance Med Sci. 2022;26(4):255-264.
Harper M, Singe SM, Ostrowski JL.Professional socialization: A retrospective view from graduation to full-time employment. Athletic Training Education Journal. 2022;17(1):75-85. Available:
Matto H, Fauntroy V, et al. A novel participant-empowered pedagogical approach to engage and retain control group participants in arts-based randomized controlled trials. Fam Soc. 2021;102(4):529-537.
Schwartz EA. The physical exam of the concussed athlete. Training & Conditioning. 2021;31(4):18-21. Available:
Coogan SM, Hansen-Honeycutt JA, Fauntroy V, Ambegaonkar JP. Upper body strength-endurance and power norms in healthy collegiate dancers: A 10-year prospective study. J Strength Cond Res. 2021;35(6):1599-1603. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004016.
Joshi P, Fauntroy V, et al. Physical activity in female adolescent dancers during studio-based ballet dance classes: A pilot study. Int J Phys Educ. 2020;57(4):25-35. doi: 10.5771/2747-6073-2020-4-18
Fauntroy V, Nolton EC, Ambegaonkar JP. Health-related quality of life outcome measures used in dance: A systematic review. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2020;15(3):333-343 doi:
Fauntroy V, Fyock M, Hansen-Honeycutt JA, Nolton EC, and Ambegaonkar JP. Using the selective functional movement assessment (SFMA) for the evaluation of dancers functional limitations and dysfunctions: A critically appraised topic. J Sport Rehabil. 2019;28(8):891-896.
Critically Appraised Topics (CATs)
Wise SL, Bettleyon J. Neurodynamics is as effective as splinting for carpal tunnel syndrome: A critically appraised topic. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2022;31(5):635-639.
Post DR, Stackhouse WA, Ostrowski JL, Bettleyon JD, & Payne EK. The effect of blood flow restriction on muscle hypertrophy and tendon thickness in healthy adults' distal lower-extremity: A critically appraised topic. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2022;31(5):635-639
Bigelow TB, Joyce ME, Santo AL. Unique contributions of the King-Devick and Vestibular/Ocular Motor Screening: A critically appraised topic. International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training. 2022;27(5):209213
Street SB, Kaminski TW. (2020). Does the FIFA 11+ program prevent hamstring injuries in college-aged male soccer players? A critically appraised topic. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2020;30(1):158-160.
Street S, Rawlins M, Miller J. Effectiveness of the TightRope速 Fixation in treating ankle syndesmosis injuries: A critically appraised topic. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2021;30(1):158-160.
Bettleyon J, Kaminski TW. Does low-level laser therapy decrease muscle-damaging mediators after performance in soccer athletes versus sham laser treatment? A critically appraised topic. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation. 2020;29(8):1210-1213.
Clinical Bottom Lines
Whitermore BS, Smith K, Hendra B, Ostrowski JL. Ice Bag vs. Cryo-Compression Units. NATA News, Clinical Bottom Line. Oct 2022; 32-33.
Spellman J, Sweatman Z, Benedetti J, Khan N. What type of ice bag is most effective for lowering intramuscular temperature? NATA News, Clinical Bottom Line. July 2022: 34-35.
Wise S, Ostrowski JL. Utilization of paraffin bath for carpal tunnel syndrome. NATA News, Clinical Bottom Line. October 2021:32-33
Ramaj Jewett B. Clinical Bottom Line: Evaluating Spondylolysis. NATA News. July 2021:34-35.
Wise SL. The value of diagnostic tests in cervical radiculopathy. NATA News. May 2021: 34-35.
Wise SL. Jewett BR. Dry Needling and Plantar Fasciitis Pain. NATA News. January 2021. 32-33.
Cullen K, Ostrowski JL. Is Icing to Go the Right Answer? NATA News, Clinical Bottom Line. October 2020: 30-31.
Wise SL. Clinical Imaging of Suspected Rotator Cuff Tears. NATA News. July 2020. 28-29.