

The policies below are specific to Moravian's veteran and military connected students.

91心頭 school certifying officials (SCOs) certify veteran and military-connected student enrollment to the Department of Veterans Affairs (herein VA) to determine VA housing allowance under Chapter 33. This enrollment certification includes the number of credits a student is enrolled in, the modality of the course, campus/location (), theterm dates, and how many credit hours are considered full-time for theterm.

Undergraduate Rate of Pursuit

Undergraduate students enrolled in at least 12 credits (3 units) during a standard term (15-week semester) are considered full-time.

Graduate Rate of Pursuit

VA authorizes colleges and universities to define full-time status for programs offered at the graduate level. 

Cohort-Based Graduate Programs

91心頭s cohort-based graduate programs generally have their own program handbooks and completion schedules that define the rate at which students progress toward their degree and the number of credits for full-time enrollment in a given term. Some students may be in graduate programs requiring practicums, clinicals, student teaching, internships, etc., that only require 6 or fewer credits to be considered full-time. Students should check with their advisor if unsure of full-time requirements for their specific graduate program.

Non-Cohort-Based Programs

Students enrolled in 91心頭s non-cohort graduate programs will be considered full-time if they are taking at least 9 credit hours during a 15-week semester. Students enrolled in Moravian Theological Seminary programs are considered full-time if they are taking at least 12 credit hours during a 15-week semester. 

Some of 91心頭s non-cohort graduate programs vary in both structure and term length. In aprogram with non-standard terms (less than 15 weeks), the number of credit hours required for full-time status may vary based on the number of weeks in the term. Moravian will report a full-time modifier to determine the number of credits required for full-time status, which is based on the length of the term.

As per VA guidelines, Moravian will calculate the number of weeks in atermby taking the number of days in aterm, dividing by 7, and rounding to the nearest week (for example, 8 weeks and 3 days is rounded to 8 weeks, while 5 weeks and 4 days are rounded to 5 weeks). The chart below will determine the full-time modifier for the term in question.

Full Time Modifiers for Non-Standard Terms

# of Weeks in
When full-time
for standard term requires
9 Credits
When full-time
for standard term requires
12 Credits
1 1 1
2 1 1
3 1 2
4 2 2
5 2 3
6 3 4
7 3 4
8 4 5
9 4 6
10 5 6
11 5 7
12 6 8
13 6 8
14 7 9
15 to 19 9 12

*Moravian Theological Seminary currently operates on standard 15-week terms. No conversion needed.

Calculation Example

A graduate student enrolled in an in-person, 3-credit graduate business class for the Fall I term would use the start and end dates of that specific term to determine the number of weeks. With a term start date of 8/28 and an end date of 10/21, the duration of the term would be 55 total days or 7 weeks and 6 days, therefore rounded to 8 weeks. Using the chart, the student would need to take a total of 4 credits over this term in order to be certified as full-time.

Policy Approval and Revisions

This policy was approved by Presidents Cabinet on 12/12/23 to become effective on the first day of the Spring 2024 semester. 

This policy was developed from information outlined in the . It is reviewed annually and is subject to any changes made by VA.

Questions about the content of the policy and its application should be directed to veterans@moravian.edu.

Students can be ordered to federal active duty under the laws in Title 10 U.S.C., in which Active Duty means full-time duty in active military service. Title 10 allows the President of the United States to federalize a states militia (National Guard) by ordering them to active duty for missions of national defense, national civil unrest or natural disaster. In addition, members of the National Guard can also be activated by the Governor of Pennsylvania under the provisions of Title 32 U.S.C. for state active duty (SAD) orders to assist in state natural disasters, threats to the states security, or civil unrest. Whenever a Moravian student serving in the military is called or ordered to active duty, the University will grant the member or the member's spouse a military leave of absence from their education without penalty. For the purpose of this procedure, the student refers to both military personnel and the spouse of military personnel being called to active service who are enrolled at 91心頭.

Students who enlist for service in the military after the add/drop period will be subject to the Universitys non-military refund policy.

A. Definitions

  1. Military Absence: A period in which a student will be absent from class due to military orders with the expectation of completing all missed assignments by the end of the semester.
  2. Military Incomplete: University procedure to allow students, who are members of the U.S. Armed Forces with military orders, to fulfill their military obligation and submit completed assignments within a defined period of time. Students taking an incomplete will receive a temporary grade of M. 
  3. Military Withdrawal: a University approved withdrawal from all in-progress University classes initiated by a student being called or ordered to active service greater than 6 months, whether voluntary or involuntary.
  4. Military Affiliated Student: any student who is a member of the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, or Reserve) and the spouse is a member of the Armed Forces called or ordered to active military service.
  5. Calls or Orders to Active Service: Students can be ordered to federal active duty under the laws in Title 10 of the U.S. Code. Active Duty means full-time duty in active military service. Title 10 allows the President to federalize a states militia (National Guard) by ordering them to active duty for missions of National Defense, national civil unrest or natural disaster. 

In addition, members of the National Guard can also be activated under the provisions of Title 32 of the U.S. Code for state active duty (SAD) orders to assist in state natural disasters, threats to the states security, or civil unrest.  

  1. Length of orders: Military orders will be categorized into short-term and long-term. With two subcategories for short-term orders 1) for a period of one day to three weeks, or 2) orders greater than three weeks but less than six months. Long-term orders are defined as orders that exceed the semester end date or longer.

B. Military Leave of Absence Process

Student Responsibilities

All students called or ordered to active duty in a branch of the U. S. Armed Forces causing an interruption in the students semester must provide the University with advanced notice of such service and the intention to take a leave of absence.

All students with military orders will: 

  • schedule an appointment with the Office of Veteran & Military Services, and 
  • provide a copy of official military orders or memorandum from the ordering unit, signed by the commanding officer or authorized unit representative and include the effective date of military service and the anticipated return date.

Military Absence 

Short-Term Orders (one day to three weeks)

All absences will be excused, and students will be allowed to make up missed work without a penalty to their grade. In addition to meeting with Veteran & Military Services, students need to contact professors (as soon as possible) to make arrangements to make up missed classes and complete assignments.

Military Incomplete

Short-Term Orders (Greater than 30 days not to exceed six months beyond the end of the semester)

A student with short-term military orders that do not extend beyond the semester end date will have two options to choose from at the time of the exit interview. The student may:

  • Request a temporary military leave and receive a temporary grade of M (which functions similarly to an incomplete); when the student returns and completes the work, the grade will be replaced as determined by the professor. The additional time granted to complete coursework will never be less than the length of time of the leave and can be extended as appropriate or needed, up to six months total. NOTE:  Extensions for completion of the coursework can only be granted to students who are maintaining appropriate and regular communication with the Executive Director of Veterans and Military Affairs at 91心頭 and must provide a copy of their orders to the E.D.
  • If the student is unable to complete the course within six months from the semester end date, they must work with the professor(s) and appropriate College Dean to either extend the time to complete assignments. 


  • The student may elect a Military Withdrawal from their course(s), indicated with an MW on their transcript. An MW grade is equivalent to a Withdrawal (W). Students who feel they will be unable to complete their assignments within the allotted time are strongly encouraged to request a Military Withdrawal.

Students granted a Military Absence or Military Incomplete and awarded academic credit for work completed in the semester in which a student takes military service leave will not receive a refund.

Military Withdrawal 

Long-Term Leave (Orders that exceed beyond the semester end date or longer)

A student with long-term military orders will: 

  • schedule an Exit Interview with the Office of Veteran & Military Services and provide documentation of official military orders. Documentation can be official orders or a memorandum from the ordering unit, signed by the commanding officer or authorized unit representative, and include the military effective date and anticipated return date.
  • receive an MW for Military Withdrawal without negatively impacting the students GPA.

University Responsibilities

Repayment and Refunds General Statement

Refunds are determined based on the source of the funds after all repayments have been completed. To comply with the Department of Defense (DOD) policy, any student using Tuition Assistance (TA), 91心頭 will return any unearned TA funds on a prorated basis through at least 60% portion of the period for which the funds were provided. TA funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period. Any unearned TA funds based upon when a student stops attending will be returned directly to the military service from which the funds were provided, not to the service member.

Return of any unearned Federal financial aid (known as Title IV funds), including Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), and Federal Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Loans, is determined based on withdrawal date and percentage of semester completion.

The School Certifying Official (SCO) will notify the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) of the students leave of absence. The reason for the leave of absence will be documented as mitigating circumstances for students providing documentation of active duty status. Failure to provide notice or documentation may result in the need for you to pay the VA for the cost of any housing or books and supplies already received. It may also result in Moravian repaying the VA for tuition, fees, and Yellow Ribbon benefits paid on your behalf.

University Roles

Veteran & Military Services
The Office of Veteran & Military Services serves as the primary point of contact for students and families needing assistance during the students military leave of absence, including referring and coordinating communications with other University offices as needed. Upon receiving notice of a students request to withdraw from a program or drop all enrolled courses, the Veteran & Military Services executive director will review the request and initiate the military leave of absence using the Exit Form in AMOS. A note will be created in Navigate to include: the reason for the withdrawal, the students date of military leave, anticipated return date, and referrals to the following offices: Registrar, Student Accounts, Financial Aid, Housing, and IT. It is the student's responsibility to schedule an appointment with these offices. A copy of the orders will be retained by the Veteran & Military Services office and added to the student online record in the Moravian shared drive.

Financial Aid
Determines the need to repay unearned Title IV funds provided through financial aid service providers and the timelines and requirements to defer payments based on active duty service.

Student Accounts
No refund will be provided until the University receives a copy of the military orders necessitating the withdrawal. 

Residential students who need to take a Military Leave of Absence should contact the Office of Housing regarding their space. Residents who may be gone for a long period of time should plan to vacate their space and return their room key(s). Room and board rates will be prorated for residents who are not returning to their room for the duration of the Military Leave of Absence. Board rates will be refunded on a weekly prorated basis. The Office of Housing will work with students to identify a housing assignment based on available spaces at the time of their return from their Military Leave of Absence but cannot hold their previous assignment as it may be offered to another student. 

All courses unable to be completed due to a military leave of absence will be identified on the students transcript with an MW grade. An MW grade is equivalent to a Withdrawal and replaces the standard W.

C. Readmission

This Military Leave of Absence will remain in place for a maximum of five years. Students are entitled to return without requalification for admission provided the student (1) returns after a cumulative absence of five years or less and (2) notifies the Office of Veteran & Military Services of their intent to return to the Moravian within one (1) year of completion of their military service obligation. The students educational status will be restored to the status they had attained before their orders to military duty without loss of academic credits earned, scholarships or grants awarded, or tuition and other fees paid before the commencement of the military duty. 

Students wishing to resume their studies within five years must complete the .

D. Forms:

  • Exit Interview Form
  • Reinstatement Request Form

E. Related Policies:

This policy is established in accordance with .

20 U.S.C 則 1091c (2015)

F. Contacts:

G. Keywords:

  • Military Orders a published directive originated by a commander of a military organization, Military Leave

This policy applies to 91心頭 and all affiliates. Approved by the Provost, effective May 03, 2023. Questions about the policy should be directed to veterans@moravian.edu.

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. This school will not:

  • Prevent nor delay the students enrollment;
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
  • Deny the student access to any resources available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution, including but not limited to access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities. 

However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

  • Produce the Certificate of Eligibility by the first day of class;
  • Provide a written request to be certified;
  • Provide additional information needed to certify enrollment as other institutional policies describe.

The statement was confirmed by President's Cabinet on 12/19/23. Questions should be directed to veterans@moravian.edu.