
2LT Amirbeham Farbod

2LT Amirbehnam Farbod is from Nazareth, Pennsylvania. He graduated Magna Cum Laude at Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and another Bachelor of Arts in History with a Minor in Education. During his first two summers at Moravian, 2LT Farbod earned the Project GO scholarships to study intensively the Persian Language at San Diego State University first and then at the University of Maryland. He was commissioned as a Quartermaster Officer in the U.S. Army Reserves in May of 2021 through Lehigh Universitys ROTC program. 

2LT Farbods first reserve unit is in Easton, Pennsylvania. He currently serves as the Battalion S4 in the 744th Military Police Battalion in which he is directly responsible for all the supplies and equipment in the Battalion. Beyond his duties as S4, he was recently put in charge of an entire platoon with over 25 soldiers under his command. Further, he has been made his Batallions Unit Movement Officer, Safety Officer, and Lodging Officer. In these capacities he ensures safety equipment meets standards, makes sure all reservists living further away have lodging for training weekends, and is prepared to move his unit by air, land, or sea if deployed. To be ready as a unit movement officer, his unit intends to send him to a school in December 2021 to train for the task. Being new to his unit, he finds it very inspiring and humbling working with reservists. You never know what  the person next to you does as a civilian until you ask. They could be a Lawyer or a Police Captain. One is your supply sergeant taking your commands and the other is your LTC giving you commands.

2LT Farbod will attend his Quartermaster Basic Officer Leader Course in August of 2022 at Fort Lee, Virginia. Until then, he is on course to earn his Masters Degree in Political Science at Lehigh University in their 1-year intensive program. Following his studies and BOLC training, 2LT Farbod intends to start his Ph.D. studies in Political Science to become a professor. 2LT Farbod fully believes in the citizen-soldier mantra and believes anyone willing to serve when needed can do so while pursuing their civilian goals at the same time.


What was your favorite thing about ROTC?

2LT Farbods favorite thing about ROTC is the people. The younger cadets specifically, seeing them grow and develop as individuals and soldiers. He misses training and waking up to do PT with all the cadets. The experiences granted to Steel Battalion cadets are unlike any other cadets in ROTC programs. Steel Battalion Cadets are prepared and given the skills and knowledge to perform at a high level of intensity. 

What was day-to-day life like? 

Monday through Friday, excluding Thursday morning, cadets will wake up and conduct physical fitness as a unit. Thursday afternoons, cadets will travel to military science labs and practice military skills and apply the knowledge they learn in the classroom. Military science classes are held 2-3 times a week for each grade level taught by a cadre instructor. 2LT Farbod explains that some weeks he would spend 20 hours doing something related to ROTC and other weeks it would be upwards of 50 hours. One thing that he learned over his years here at Moravian College was the skill of time management, juggling school work, ROTC, and a job. 

How did it prepare you for life beyond college and in the military?

One of the key things 2LT Farbod mentioned was the emphasis on stress and time management. He states that, ROTC has made handling high-stress loads easier. 2LT Farbod can manage a rigorous schedule due to his experience in college and ROTC. 

Any advice for prospective and current cadets? 

Some advice that 2LT Farbod would give to prospective and and current cadets would be: 

  • Be attentive about choosing branch and whether you want to go active/reserves
  • Do your research for branch and career opportunities
  • Always ask questions.
  • Obtain records for PT score (ACFT/APFT) and range marksmanship.
  • Attention to detail is Key.

How is it being in graduate school? What are your overall career goals? 

2LT Farbod enjoyed being in graduate school. He states that it is much easier than undergraduate and being in ROTC because of the amount of time he has available now. However, due to his undergraduate experience, he feels over-prepared for graduate school. He is attending Lehigh University to receive a Masters Degree in Political Science.